Our lead photo shows Windsor u3a members listening Graham Short, Micro Artist, at September’s Monthly Meeting.
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Catching up with News
‘My Life as a Micro Artist’: Graham Short, the speaker at our Monthly Meeting in September was an extremely entertaining, light-hearted raconteur, but several of our members would have liked to have heard more about Graham’s work and how he executes his skill to achieve such acclaimed results. He is known in the art world as “The Hands of Genius”. For those interested in seeing an exhibition of Graham’s work, there is a permanent exhibition of his work and that of other micro scale artwork, for example bank note artwork, at the Hammond Galleries in Shifnal, Shropshire. https://hammondgalleries.com/
New Members’ Coffee Morning

A New Members’ Coffee Morning was held on 18th September in the Baptist Church Hall in Dedworth. Thanks go to the convenors who attended this. Such coffee mornings are very helpful to new members and much appreciated by them, many of the new members having joined groups after the meeting.
Eton Action Fair

Thank you to the members who volunteered to man our stall at the Eton Action Fair this year. Peter Todd, Derek Gadd and David Treder set up the stall, after which committee members and others joined for shifts through the day. It was a very sociable occasion.
The sun shone and there was time for us all to listen to the entertainment provided by various choirs and bands, as well as visit the stalls. u3a members were manning a variety of other stalls – an indication of lively minds and willing spirits. Our stall attracted much interest and has raised our profile locally in a very positive way.

Join us for our Christmas Party
Book tickets to our Christmas Party: This is your last chance to book a place and join us our Christmas Party on 20th December at The Christopher Wren Hotel.
This is a chance to dress up, wine and dine and dance the night away. Most of us do not have many opportunities to do that nowadays! Tickets have almost sold out. So be quick!
Contact Chris Dufty
U3A Holiday 2024 – Versailles, Valencay & Chateaux of the Loire
Saturday 27th April 2024 – 6 nights/7 days
£1290-00 pp sharing a twin/double room. Single Supplement £450-00pp
Draft Itinerary
Day 1: Coach from Windsor to Dover, Channel crossing to Calais and continue to overnight hotel close to Versailles. Dinner included.
Day 2: Visit Versailles Palace and Gardens (https://www.chateauversailles.fr) /Continue to Hotel Hilton Garden Inn, Tours Centre. (https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/tufgigi-hilton-garden-inn-tours-centre)
This modern hotel is close to the river and near the centre of Tours.
Day 3: Drive to Amboise, Visit Chateau de Clos Luce https://vinci-closluce.com/en/, the home of Leonardo de Vinci, cathedral and Chateau Gaillard
Day 4: At leisure in Tours – lots to see – cathedral, gardens and medieval centre.
Day 5: Visit Chateau de Valencay https://www.chateau-valencay.fr/, the home of Talleyrand – French Foreign Minister during reign of Napoleon. Wine tasting en route.
Day 6: Visit Chateau Cheverny (https://www.chateau-cheverny.fr/en/) and Chateau Chaumont https://domaine-chaumont.fr/en/chateau-historic-grounds-and-stables
Day 7: Early start for return coach journey for 18.30 return from Calais.
Included: Coach and driver, ferry or Eurotunnel fares, One-night full board near Versailles, Five nights bed and breakfast in Tours, two dinners at hotel, entry to Chateaux.
Based on 32 passengers.
IGO (Interest Groups Online) Fair

Taster sessions open for booking. You and your friends can now book to try out different IGO groups as part of the IGO Online Fair.
Sessions will take place at 10-00am, 11-30am and 3-00pm on every day between 2nd-6th October and can be booked for free via the IGO Online Fair web page.
The fair is open to all, showcasing IGO groups to: IGO members, u3a members and non-members.
Monthly Speaker Meetings
Gardeners Hall, 213 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3DR
on 2nd Wednesday of each month, 2-00pm to 4-00pm.
- Wednesday, 11th October: RNLI with Colin Brown
With more people predicted to visit our coasts, more people will be relying on RNLI lifesavers to rescue them from a life-or-death ordeal. We have come to rely on top-class kit and world-class training to bring those in trouble, and crews, home safely. Colin Brown who we have enjoyed listening to before, returns to tell us more about RNLI and fundraise for this good cause. - Wednesday, 8th November: This month’s speaker will particularly appeal to the poets, creative writers and other literary folk who enjoy or loathe the use of figurative language.
“Metaphors, Cliches and Phrases – avoid them like the plague!” – the origin of sayings in the English Language is the subject of our Monthly Meeting Speaker, Warren Ashton, in November. - Wednesday, 13th December: Our Monthly Meeting Christmas Social in Gardeners’ Hall is in its planning stages, so make a note of it in your diaries. We are hoping to star some ‘home-grown talent’ on this festive occasion and hope there will be opportunity for audience participation.
New Members who have joined Windsor u3a during September
Please make them welcome when they come to your groups.
Names visible to logged in members.
Interest Group News
Explore London 2
London Canal Museum
Our visit to the London Canal Museum was the most popular trip we’ve had this year, with over 30 of us journeying from Windsor to Kings Cross.
From Kings Cross we had time (after dodging the heavy showers) to explore the cafes and shops in Granary Square and Coaldrops Yard. This is a very historic area and much improved in recent years – rather than warehousing and work, it is now a vibrant area for all types of leisure activities.
After lunch the group walked to the London Canal Museum where tea and biscuits were available, followed by a welcome talk by a very knowledgeable guide. The group were then split into two for a guided “nature” walk along the canal towpath, ending at the Camley Street Nature Reserve. The tow path is surprisingly colourful.
The warehouse that the museum occupies was once an ice warehouse, with two huge ice wells – one of which is still partly open to view. The ice came on boats from Norway, was stored and then distributed around London using barges pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the first floor of the warehouse. It is certainly a museum with a difference!
Maggie Reeve
To read this article and enjoy more pictures, please see this separate post.
The Physic Garden, Chelsea
Another delightful adventure for London Explorers 2 took them to the Chelsea Physic Garden which is celebrating its 350 anniversary this year. It was established as the Apothecaries’ Garden in London, England, in 1673 by the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries to grow plants to be used as medicines and to train apothecaries to identify different plants, and to understand their uses. This sculpture is inscribed with the names of head gardeners since the garden was established.
In the 1680s, Sir Hans Sloane, trained at the Chelsea Physic Garden and became the personal physician to the Duke Albemarle in Jamaica, which was then a British Colony. Having made his money, Sloane returned to England and bought the manor of Chelsea. (Hence Sloane Square!). This included the Chelsea Physic Garden.
In 1722, Sloane agreed to rent these four acres to the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries for £5 per year in perpetuity. This ensured that the Garden would forever be used as a place to teach people about plants and still today investigations and experiments are being carried out into the medicinal use of plants.
Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and pointed out beds of poisonous plants, edible plants, useful plants and plants being used medicinally for oncology treatments, for ophthalmic treatments and urology.
This is a fascinating garden and well worth a return visit.
Jackie Wiggins
To read this article and enjoy more pictures, please see this separate post.
Gardening 1
This month, Gardening 1 will visit Savill Gardens to enjoy the Autumn colours. Meet on Thursday, 19th October at 2-00pm at the entrance to the building. Entry will be half price with an advantage card for a pair of members. The car park will also be free.
Contact details are visible if you log-in.
During September the Gardening 1 group visited Broom Acres garden in Sandhurst.
For many more photographs of this surprising garden and its owner, please see the separate post here.
Local History
- 27th November: Our borough’s town crier, Chris Brown, will regale us with the history of his role the purpose of which is to bring happiness to the people of Windsor and Maidenhead. What a great theme for our pre-Christmas meeting. Oyez!
This group meets in Windsor Methodist Church Hall in Alma Road, Windsor, SL4 3HH. Talks begin at 2-30pm. Admission is £3.00 on the door. No need to book. New members are warmly welcome.
David Oldcorn’s three music groups will be on their usual days in October except for Ballet Appreciation which will be on the second Monday, 9th October. All three groups have vacancies for newcomers.
Contact details are visible if you log-in.
Tea and Jazz
Live jazz is booked for 24th October – The Woodhouse Jazz Band with singer Catherine – and for 28th November – the Gambit Jazzmen return, who were much enjoyed by our audience in April.
All u3a members – from any u3a branch – are welcome. There is no need to book – just turn up on the day. There is a fee of just £7.00 cash to pay towards the cost of the band, hall hire and refreshments.
All performances start at 2-00pm, with a break halfway for tea and cakes and finish at about 3-45pm.
There is a car park outside the hall and when this is full, there’s a public car park a short distance back towards Datchet village centre.
Please note there will be no Tea and Jazz in December.
u3a Amblers
The morning amble on Thursday, 5th October is to be around Eton.
Convenor contact details are visible if you log-in.
On a very hot day in early September, several group members had a pleasant amble of 3.7 km (2.5 miles), encircling Braywick Park, passing the Nature Reserve, Braywick Arboretum and even Braywick cemetery, returning north alongside ‘The Cut’. The trees kept the sun off us most of the time, it was a fortuitous aspect of this route. The amble was followed by refreshments from the cafe within Desborough Bowling Club, from where we started. My thanks to Eileen Harris for sharing her pictures.
Windsor Area Walks
On Friday 27th October there will be a walk of about 5 miles starting at 10-15am from the car park of the Stag and Huntsman in Hambleden, RG9 6RP. Please contact Philip Ross to confirm your attendance and if weather is extremely inclement.
Logged in members can see contact and precise meet details.
The November walk on Friday, 24th will be based on Boveney Brook and the Jubilee River. There is a possible coffee stop at the Palmers Arms in Dorney. It will be led by Roy. Meet at 10-15am in the free car park at Eton Wick Library, SL4 6LT. Approx. 4.5 miles.
Please let Roy know if you would be happy to organise one or two walks a year.
Logged in members can see contact and precise meet details.
A New Group
The Windsor and District u3a National Trust Group have held a preliminary meeting at which Pat Oldcorn and Jackie Wiggins agreed to become joint convenors. The plan is to organise 4 coach trips to NT properties each year and to visit more local properties by public transport or by car. Pat and Jackie will organise the coach trips and other members will be expected to work in pairs to take turns on a rota basis to organise visits, talks or activities at or about local NT properties. Some properties will provide visiting speakers and it may be that in the Winter months, the organising pairs may choose to book a speaker. Approximately 30 members showed interest. If all were to take a turn on the rota, everyone would have less than one visit/talk/ activity to organise each year. Please contact Pat Oldcorn or Jackie Wiggins for further information.
Logged in members can see contact and precise meet details.
Please Recycle
Many items that cannot be recycled via local authority collections, can be recycled via specialist collection points.
Specialist Collection Points
The customer service desk in Waitrose and in Robert Dyas shops.
Water filters:
Brita at Robert Dyas shops.
Medicine blister packs:
At Superdrug shops, the bin is usually near the pharmacy.
Printer cartridges:
At Rymans. If you buy another cartridge, you get a 50p reduction for each recycled item.
Old computers and computer hardware:
Windsor Computer Tech. 07807 100646. Data will be wiped and if possible the hardware will be refurbished and distributed to the digitally excluded or recycled.
Thank you, Anne Montminy for starting the list of specialist centres, to which I have added. If any of you know of other LOCAL collection points, please share them with us. Jackie Wiggins
CAMEO Coffee Mornings
Come And Meet Each Other
Coffee mornings run from 10-30am to 12-00pm, why not drop in between those times?
If you arrive and find the ‘u3a table’ is fully occupied, PLEASE make yourself known before settling elsewhere on your own or in a splinter group. Depending on the venue, it may well be possible to enlarge the circle, or take over/join on another table.
Old Windsor
The Bells of Ouzeley, Straight Road, Old Windsor, SL4 2SH
These are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Next on 4th October 2023
West Windsor
The Running Man Café, All Saints’ Church, Dedworth, SL4 4JW
These are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Next on 18th October 2023.
The Restaurant, Hilliers Garden Centre, off A30 between Sunningdale and Bagshot, GU20 6LQ
These are held on the last Tuesday of each month. Next on Tuesday, 24th October 2023
The Bridge Café, The Village Green, Datchet, SL3 9JH
These are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month.
Next on Datchet meeting on Wednesday, 25th October 2023.
Windsor and District u3a Diary Dates
- Wednesday, 11th October: Monthly Speaker Meeting with Colin Brown from RNLI
- Tuesday, 24th October: Live Jazz – The Woodhouse Jazz Band with their singer Catherine
- Tuesday, 28th November: Live Jazz – Gambit Jazzmen
- Wednesday, 29th November: Coach outing to NT ‘Waddesdon Manor at Christmas’
(FULL: Waiting list places only available) - Saturday, 9th December: Visit to The Mill Theatre-Restaurant at Sonning. ‘High Society’
- Wednesday, 13th December 2023: Windsor and District u3a Christmas Party at Gardeners’ Hall 2-00pm to 4-00pm. Please save the date. More details available soon.
- Wednesday, 20th December 2023: Dinner-Dance at The Christopher Wren Hotel
Last chance to buy tickets – Hurry! - Friday, 9th February to Sunday, 11th February 2024: Birmingham Tattoo and weekend in the Midlands
(FULL: Waiting list places only available)
Credits and Contributions
Thank you to all who have contributed to this month’s newsletter.
We welcome contributions from any member, not just convenors, so if you have enjoyed a u3a organised event, why not share that (and show appreciation to the organisers) by writing a short report, ideally with some photos, please send to newsletters@windoru3a.org.uk
The copy date for our next Newsletter is 18th October 2023
Readers may notify an error or omission via e-mail or logged in members can use the Comments area below to convey their thoughts on this particular edition.
This Newsletter was compiled by Jackie Wiggins, then adapted for web publication by Dave Humphries. This web version allows us to hide certain data from all but logged in members, plus occasionally make minor updates after release, typically to correct errors and omissions notified promptly.
Committee Contact Details
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Committee Members’ Contact Details | ||
Chairman: | Peter Todd | chairman@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Secretary: | Dave Humphries | secretary@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Treasurer: | David Treder | treasurer@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Data Administrator: | Derek Gadd | dataadmin@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Groups’ Coordinator: | Sue White | u3agroups@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Website Administrator: | Dave Humphries | webeditor@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Membership Secretary: | Kate Fagence | membership@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Newsletter Editor: | Jackie Wiggins | newsletters@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Speaker Organiser: | Joanna Wattis | speakers@windsoru3a.org.uk |