Our lead photo shows convenors of Windsor u3a enjoying Peter Honey’s “Learning Revisited” presentation given at the Convenor Conference and lunch in June.
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Convenors! Convenors! Convenors!
The Lifeblood of the u3a Movement!
Without our convenors who give their time and talent to the members of their Interest Groups, there would be no u3a activities. You may have read in Third Age Matters (Issue 62 Summer 2024 page 14) about the problems some u3a groups have in finding successors when the original convenor retires. In Windsor and District u3a, there is a growing trend in the organisation of Interest Group activities towards co-working and teamwork. This is a reassuring sign. The more members involved in the organisation of an activity, the greater the sense of ownership and personal responsibility they feel and the likelihood of groups continuing when a leader steps down. This in turn ensures the growth and sustainability of our local u3a.
All our convenors and co-convenors were invited to attend Langley College in June for a conference and lunch. The day, entitled “Learning Revisited” consisted of lecture and workshop sessions led by Peter Honey, a member of Windsor and District u3a and a convenor of three of our Interest Groups. Peter has a background in occupational psychology and management training. The day was interesting and informative. Peter was engaging and presented with great humour what could have been a dry subject.
Convenors were reminded of the importance of learning effectively and invited to explore their own learning style preferences. Peter elaborated the implications of different styles of learning and several retired teachers, who also had professional knowledge of educational psychology, contributed with lively discussion. In groups, convenors shared and generated ideas to create conditions for learning-friendly groups. It was a fun filled session as the photographs testify and hopefully all who attended enjoyed the opportunity to network and found something relevant and helpful to apply to their group activities.
After a delicious lunch cooked and served by students of the Catering and Hospitality Academy at Langley College, a presentation was made and thanks were given to Sue White (standing below), who organised the day and who has now stepped down from the role Groups’ Coordinator.

We were also honoured to be guests at the presentation of the end of module awards to the students who had cooked for us and waited on us. The waiters and waitresses were smartly and appropriately dressed for their role in a formal dining room. The attire of the kitchen staff followed hygiene requirements and all were extremely polite and helpful. It was a delight to share their success. Celebrating with them made a joyous end to our day.
Monthly Speaker Meetings
Gardeners Hall, 213 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3DR
on 2nd Wednesday of each month, 2-00pm to 4-00pm.
The speaker advertised for this month has cancelled his booking with us.
- Wednesday, 10th July: Clive Woodward – “From the Forties to the Noughties“.
At short notice Clive Woodward, a professional actor, business role-player and motor racing commentator who has entertained audiences at theatres, including The Players Theatre in Thame, The Mission Theatre, Bath and Norden Farm Centre for the Arts in Maidenhead, has agreed to entertain us. He will take you on a journey from the 1940’s to current times using poetry, anecdotes and stories, as well as interesting factual events that occurred during the various decades. - Wednesday, 14th August: Bobbie Darbyshire (Author and novelist) “A Beginning, A Muddle and An End. Where do authors get their ideas?” Another in our popular series of author talks.
Last month we enjoyed a lecture and classical guitar recital from Gary Jordan. Gary traced the history and development of music for the classical guitar using the musical compositions of Allonso Mudarra (1510-1580), John Downland (1563-1626), Mario Guiliana (1781-1829) and Isaac Albeiz (1860-1848). Gary explored and explained the use of imitation in the compositions he played – sometimes the use of repeated short phrases or theme tunes, sometimes the imitation other musical forms and compositions in the styles of other composers or countries. Some of the music was delightfully soothing. Other pieces were dramatic and some challenging. We learnt a lot. Thank you, Gary for the insights you gave us.
Jackie Wiggins
Outings and Events
Event Diary
Open meetings, day trips and holidays shown here in date-order for quick reference, further details may be shown elsewhere in this, or previous, Newsletters.
- Tuesday, 23rd July: Live Tea and Jazz concert at Datchet Village Hall from Dixieland Swing Kings.
- Monday, 9th September – Friday, 13th September: Windsor and District u3a holiday in Yorkshire, visiting NT properties and other places of interest (with opportunities for geocaching, for those who wish to take part). Contact Jackie Wiggins.
- Saturday, 14th September: Eton Action Fair, 11:00-16:00. Please put this in your diary and volunteer to man our recruitment stall for an hour or so. It can be a very sociable and enjoyable duty. Contact any committee member.
- Tuesday, 23rd September – Monday, 29th September 2025: Windsor u3a Tour 2025, The Meandering Seine. Contact Pat Oldcorn.
Logged in members can see contact details.
Interest Group News
Interest Groups in Formation
If you are interested in joining either of these groups, please contact
Jackie Wiggins or Carol Crago.
Logged in members can see contact details.
Short Mat Bowls
This is an all-weather, year-round sport played on mats indoors. Each mat has two teams of three or four players. The aim of the game is to bowl the wood (bowl) to get the nearest to a small, yellow ball (the jack) which is at the other end of the mat, thus scoring a point. This whilst missing the wooden block in the middle of the mat and the wood staying on the mat! The team with the most points wins. The distance to bowl the wood (bowl) is not as far as other bowling games, hence the name, short- mat bowls. Playing this game is good form of exercise, involving walking and bending and being a team sport, it is very sociable, with an element of strategy and friendly competition.’
This group will meet at New Windsor Community Centre, probably on a Monday afternoon. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Jackie Wiggins or Carol Crago.
Want to learn the ukulele? Then join a new beginners’ group. Nearly every member of our u3a will know of our Ukulele groups who play, perform and rehearse under the expert guidance of Adele McNally. Clive Beard, who joined the Windsor band after teaching himself to play via YouTube sites, is happy to lead another beginners’ group. If you would like to join, please contact him.
Clive envisages holding weekly meetings for this new beginners u3a group and would also recommend ukulele websites to help members learn and to practise. Singing voices are not a requirement, but Clive would be happy to sing and happy for folk to join in too. Clive says, “I will be teaching right from basics, but the group would be for fun.”
Logged in members can see contact details.

Please come along and give us a try. If you are competitive rackets player you will be very welcome and we are planning to start a beginners’ group, too.
Badminton is a great way to enjoy gentle exercise, keep fit and make new friends. We meet every Tuesday, at 2-00pm in Windsor Leisure Centre.
Contact details are visible if you log-in.
The Chess Group now meets at 10:30 every Monday (apart from Bank Holidays) at The Bridge Cafe in Datchet. All chess players are welcome to come along, to watch or play as they wish.
Contact details are visible if you log-in.
Explore London 1
Diana took us to ‘Chelsea in Bloom’ which coincided with the Chelsea Flower Show. We enjoyed the amazing displays of plants and flowers and all agreed it would have to be a firm fixture for next year’s calendar.
More ‘Chelsea in Bloom’ photos can be viewed in a separate post here, for which we are grateful to Alan Wheeler.
Adele and Alan led a second trip to Clapham, this time focussing on the Common. We learnt about its past connexions to Highwaymen and more recently the conversion of underground tunnels from air raid shelters to food processing plants.
Again, there are more Clapham photos here.
Finally, we explored the back streets and passages of Charing Cross and Whitehall where we learnt about spies, tanks and Plimsoll lines amongst other things. We enjoyed a visit to the Household Cavalry Museum which brought back memories of a previous visit to Combermere Barracks in Windsor.

Above; at the Tank Museum – Cassandra Gouriet shares more photos here
Maureen Russell
Gardening 1

The group recently visited the garden at Hall Grove School in Bagshot. We were met by the Headmaster who is the son of the founder of the school. He gave us a most interesting talk about the history of the school and the resident horticulturist was available to answer any of our gardening questions. There is a large walled garden and beyond this are woods which, when we visited, were full of magnificent rhododendrons. There was evidence of the children’s gardening lessons with flowers and vegetables planted out very neatly. We had time to wander in the extensive grounds and tea was served in the garden. We had a thoroughly enjoyable and interesting afternoon in a beautiful place.
There are more of Carole’s photos in a separate post here.
In July, the Gardening 1 Group will be visiting ‘Wembury’ in Maidenhead. This is a wildlife friendly and plant lovers’ garden, with greenhouses and a vegetable garden. It is a garden new to the National Garden scheme. I do hope you can join us. New members are welcome. Please let me know if you intend to you us as soon as possible.
Logged in members can see contact details.
Gardening 2
This second group also has a programme of garden visits throughout the year, on the first Wednesday of each month. Contact Anita or Diana for details.
Logged in members can see contact details.
Both groups (Advanced and Beginners) had successful outings this month.

The advanced group visited Yateley Common finding 11 caches, including 2 multicaches, involving searching for information and solving a puzzle to find the final location. Lunch at the Planet Café at Blackbushe airport ended the morning well. (734 finds in total)
On another beautiful day, the beginners followed a series around Ankerwyke, solving a multicache trail centred around the church and adding 12 to their total of 242 in the local area.
The photos show Jo discovering a cache attached to a tree and Adele demonstrating equipment useful to carry when caching e.g. secateurs, which were used to cut back lots of brambles and nettles to discover the cache hidden in a custom-made stone, containing the Logbook.
Logged in members can see contact details.
Local History
This group is a good example of team leadership. Members of the leadership team take turns to organise speakers.
- Monday, 29th July: We are very fortunate to have Phil Jones tell us about his role as Constable and Governor of Windsor Castle. This is a position that dates all the way back to 1086 and used to be held by a member of the Royal Family, but is now held by a senior retired member of the Armed Forces.
- Monday, 30th September: Louise Knight of the Windsor and Royal Borough Museum will talk about Victoria and Albert in Windsor. Victoria and Albert became engaged in Windsor and honeymooned here. The Castle was a favourite residence and, of course, the Royal Mausoleum is their final resting place.
- Monday, 28th October: Peter Halman, who last year described an historic trip down the Thames from Oxford to Maidenhead, makes a very welcome return for ‘A Stroll in the Park: the story of England’s royal, private and public parks.’
New U3A members are welcome. Talks begin at 2-30pm at Alma Road Methodist Church (SL4 3HH) and typically last about 45 minutes with time for questions. There is no need to book. There is a £3.00 charge at the door to cover the cost of room hire and refreshments.
Jane Standley
Music Appreciation
David Oldcorn runs three groups: Ballet Appreciation (2-00pm on the first Monday of each month), Show Music (2-30pm on third Monday of each month) and Classical Music (2-30 pm on the fourth Thursday of each month).
On 3rd July, the group will watch the 2015 Royal Ballet production of La Fille Mal Gardee, choreographed by Frederick Ashton, starring Natalia Osipova and Steven McRae.
On 15th July, the group will listen to music from the Cole Porter musical, Kiss Me, Kate.
David’s collection of music is vast and wide enough to satisfy most tastes! Members often suggest the programme for their next meeting.
Contact details are visible if you log-in.
National Trust Outings
Mottisfont NT is home to the National Collection of pre-1900 old-fashioned roses and we were able to appreciate the perfume of these on our NT Outings Group visit on 19th June. The sun shone on us and we could enjoy all that Mottisfont has to offer, as photographs show. The walled gardens were colourful and the weather was ideal to wander along the banks of the trout stream, part of the River Teste, which runs through the estate and to sit in the garden to indulge in an ice cream (or something stronger).
Mottisfont House has an interesting history, having begun as a medieval abbey, been transformed in the 18th century to a noble residence and in the 1930s taken over by Maud Russell. who was a socialite and patron of the arts. Today the house is a historic museum, but displays a changing exhibition of modern-day art.
A little gem that can easily be missed is a mosaic angel. Her face is that of Maud Russell.
Thank you, Pat for organising our outing to Mottisfont.
A little gem that can easily be missed is a mosaic angel. Her face is that of Maud Russell.
Thank you, Pat for organising our outing to Mottisfont.
Thanks to Jackie Wiggins and Eileen Harris for the photos, of which there are more here.
Tuesday, 2nd July: Ham House, Sanda Connolly and Ruth Bonny.
Monday, 12th August: The Vyne, Sue White and Ornella Mohan.
Monday, 9th-13th September: NT properties around York, Jackie Wiggins and Adele McNally.
Monday, 7th October: Polesdon Lacy, Pat Oldcorn.
Friday, 29th November: Stourhead, Jackie and John Wiggins.
NB Please note the change of date in August.
Only members of the NT Outings Interest Group will receive further details of these visits. Membership is open to all, but if you join, please be willing to help with the organisation of outings in some way.
Thanks go to Sue Widdowson who has recently volunteered to be our NT Outings point of contact for NT Outings members living in Eton and Eton Wick. We still need a member to be a point of contact for Central Windsor.
Logged in members can see their contact details.
Tea and Jazz
Next on Tuesday, 23rd July 2024.
For July, we have booked the Dixieland Swing Kings, a band that were very popular with members when they played for us in January.
Please note there is no Tea and Jazz in August, but we aim to book more great jazz bands for September, October and November.
There is no need to book – just turn up on the day. Performances start at 2-00pm, with a break halfway for tea and cakes and finish at about 3-45pm. We charge £10.00 cash pp to cover the cost of hall hire, musicians and refreshments. Members from neighbouring u3a groups are welcome.
There is some parking outside Datchet Village Hall (SL3 9HR) and when this is full, there is a public car park a short distance back towards Datchet village centre that is also available.
Convenor contact details are visible if you log-in.
u3a Amblers
On Thursday, 4th July, members of the group will be enjoying fresh air and the wild flowers of Windsor Great Park, starting from Stag Meadow.
Looking ahead to next month, on the 8th August, please note that is the second Thursday, the tentative plan is to amble along the Thames path at Old Windsor and include the parish church of St. Peter and St. Andrew.
Last month, we took many riverside paths around Maidenhead town, full details are visible in a separate post.
Convenor contact details are visible if you log-in.
Windsor Area Walks
Our walks are usually approximately 4.5miles – 5 miles.
Friday, 26th July: Meet at 10.15am. Park in the layby outside Southsea Villas just past Datchet, SL3 9BZ. The walk will be along the Thames path to the National Trust café at Runnymede and return. About 4.5 miles. Led by Roy.
Friday, 23rd August: Meet at 10-15 am at Moor Lane, opposite the Swan Pub (now defunct.) approx. 200m after passing under the bridge. Post Code TW19 6EB. The walk over part of Staines Moor and along the Thames riverside will be led Maureen. There are a couple of stiles and some steps.
Logged in members can see Roy’s e-mail address.
Please let Roy know if you would be happy to organise one or two walks for later in the year.
Coffee Mornings
Come And Meet Each Other
Coffee mornings run from 10-30am to 12-00pm, why not drop in between those times?
All members are welcome to attend any and all of coffee mornings.
Central Windsor
Cinnamon Café in Windsor Central Station
These are held on the first Tuesday of each month, organised by Linda Saunders.
Next on Tuesday, 2nd July.
Logged in members can see Linda’s e-mail address and number.
Old Windsor
The Bells of Ouzeley, Straight Road, Old Windsor, SL4 2SH
These are held on the first Wednesday of each month, organised by Jo Wattis.
Next on Wednesday, 3rd July.
Logged in members can see Jo’s e-mail address and number.
West Windsor
The Running Man Café, All Saints’ Church, Dedworth is closed for refurbishment. It is planned to reopen in September.
You are welcome to attend one of the other CAMEO coffee mornings.
Logged in members can see Jackie’s e-mail address.
The Restaurant, Hilliers Garden Centre, off A30 between Sunningdale and Bagshot, GU20 6LQ
These are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, organised by Olwen.
Next on Tuesday, 23rd July.
Logged in members can see Ollie’s e-mail address.
The Bridge Ecumenical Café, The Village Green, Datchet, SL3 9JH
These are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, organised by Jackie Wiggins.
Next on Wednesday, 24th July.
Logged in members can see Jackie’s e-mail address.
If you arrive and find the ‘u3a table’ is fully occupied, PLEASE make yourself known before settling elsewhere on your own or in a splinter group. Depending on the venue, it may well be possible to enlarge the circle, or take over/join on another table.
The May Mystery Tour
Thanks to the Tony, our guide and John, our driver working so well together, we were able to listen and see what Tony pointed out in his commentary and learnt lots of snippets of historical and geographical information about the places through which we passed. Some of these are picturesque and likely to be revisited independently. Our first stop was Guildford Cathedral. Some members explored the cathedral, some enjoyed the shop, the café and a chat. Others went adventuring outside and added to their score of geocaches. The unexpected delight was an exhibition of post box toppers from around the whole country.
Back on the coach, we meandered through villages in the Surrey Hills and stopped to view the Ridgeway at Newlands Corner. Our lunch stop was New Alresford, a small, charming Georgian market town with many independent shops and plenty of cafes and pubs to satisfy our needs.
Our final stop was the Devil’s Punchbowl, where many of us ate large ice cream cones; £3.50 for one scoop, £4.40 for two scoops. We could not resist a bargain. Most people went for a walk in the woods along the edge of the bowl to take in the spectacular scenery.
There are more photos in a separate post here.
Members were very appreciative:
“Thank you for the mystery tour yesterday. I live in Surrey, but went to places I have never visited and seen in Hampshire. Tony is a very good guide. I know him from Windsor as a blue badge guide. A very enjoyable day“
Nancy Green
“Hi Joanna & Jackie – I just wanted to thank you for the great day we had on our Mystery drive yesterday. Both the guide and driver were excellent and we learnt so much history of the areas visited. All good wishes.”
Marilyn Morgan
“Another lovely day trip out. Many thanks. Lots more, please.“
Diana Jolly
“Interesting places, so close to our doorstep, but not all visited previously bizarrely, and definitely all worth going to again. And a good one for Brian’s first u3a adventure!“
Maggie Reeve
“It was a lovely day out and we are already planning a visit to the area”
Brian Millen
Thank you for your feedback, ladies and gentlemen.
Jackie Wiggins
Windsor and District u3a’s visit
to Versailles and the Châteaux of the Loire
“Cold weather and threatening rain did not damp the enthusiasm of the 28 lucky members who boarded the coach on Saturday morning, to start their visit to France and the Palace of Versailles and the châteaux of the Loire Valley.
Pat Oldcorn, assisted by husband David, had put together another delightful holiday itinerary, with travel arrangements, hotels, meals and visits to historic places, pre-arranged for our enjoyment. The programme also included just the right amount of free time, for us to ‘do our own thing’.
Atkinsons, of Northallerton, handled our travel arrangements, through the Channel Tunnel and along the French autoroutes, in their brand new, 55-seater coach. Driver, Dave Atkinson, ensured that our travel experience was comfortable and worry free, as he delivered us to the four-star Novotel Saint-Quentin, in Yvelines, just to the west of Paris, by the end of the afternoon.”
John Holdstock
John Holdstock has written a wonderful account of this holiday which is circulated with the July 2024 newsletter by email, as a separate publication. For those members who do not access email documents, a copy of John’s travelogue will be displayed for you to read at the monthly meetings in July, August and September. Be on the look out for it at Gardeners’ Hall.
Jackie Wiggins
Windsor and District u3a’s Tour 2025
The Meandering Seine
7 Days, 6 Nights: 23rd – 29th September 2025
Set off on this exceptional cruise with Croisi-Europe from Melun to Honfleur and dive into the beauty and history of France on its riverbanks: Paris, Rouen, Giverny, Honfleur, and more.
Full board throughout the cruise with drinks included with meals and at the bar (excluding premium brands and special wine list); entertainment on board; and free Wi-Fi. The fine French gastronomy on board is a particular asset of Croisi-Europe. MS Renoir takes 105 passengers in comfortable en-suite double-occupancy, climate-controlled cabins with shower. The ship was built in 1999 and refitted in 2018. There are two decks and a sun deck.
Travel by comfortable coach from Windsor to the ship. The coach will remain with the ship to provide excursions along the way. We will be using Atkinsons of Northallerton again. Prices are based on 30 passengers as follows:
Main Deck Per person in Twin Cabin £1,750
Main Deck Single Occupancy £2,250
Upper Deck per person in Twin Cabin £1,980
Deposit £425, Balance due 110 days before departure
Logged in members can see their contact details.
U3A Online
Thames Valley Network Diary Dates
All events are on Zoom unless otherwise stated.
NB You must book a few days in advance of the date(s) shown below and often a small cost is involved.
View TVN home page and scroll down to list of events with TicketSource booking buttons.
Flyers with more information are available there too.
Further events are always being planned, keep an eye on their diary via link above.
National u3a offerings
The national u3a runs many projects, initiatives and competitions – available for all members.
See their Latest News page for national events and opportunities.
Use their Podcasts Playlist (on YouTube) to listen to something interesting (with subtitles).
Interest Groups Online (IGOs)
Interest Groups Online (IGO) is an online community of learners. Those who subscribe to IGO can participate in our online interest groups and also access the u3a national learning.
IGO Help and Information
u3a Friends
Read the Newsletter in your browser.
u3a Friends Extra
A new range of benefits, offers and services exclusively for members of our u3a Friends community. The benefits include discounts for shopping, travel, insurance and more – and we hope really to add to your u3a experience.
Access the Friends Extra website here.
Credits and Contributions
Thank you to all who have contributed to this month’s newsletter.
We welcome contributions from any member, not just convenors, so if you have enjoyed a u3a organised event, why not share that (and show appreciation to the organisers) by writing a short report, ideally with some photos, please send to newsletters@windoru3a.org.uk
The copy date for our next Newsletter is 15th July 2024
Readers may notify an error or omission via e-mail or logged in members can use the Comments area below to convey their thoughts on this particular edition.
This Newsletter was compiled by Jackie Wiggins, then adapted for web publication by Dave Humphries. This web version allows us to hide certain data from all but logged in members, plus occasionally make minor updates after release, typically to correct errors and omissions notified promptly.
Committee Contact Details
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Or log in via form, with your Username (in preference to Email):
Committee Members’ Contact Details | ||
Chairman: | Peter Todd | chairman@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Secretary: | Carol Crago | secretary@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Treasurer: | David Treder | treasurer@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Data Administrator: | Derek Gadd | dataadmin@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Groups’ Coordinator: | Sue White | u3agroups@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Website Administrator: | Dave Humphries | webeditor@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Membership Secretary: | Kate Fagence | membership@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Newsletter Editor: | Jackie Wiggins | newsletters@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Speaker Organiser: | Joanna Wattis | speakers@windsoru3a.org.uk |