National Trust Outings
We meet occasionally, on an irregular day of week all day (tba)
As arranged each trip

Four coach outings a year are organised to National Trust properties where distance makes private driving ‘to and fro’ in a single day uncomfortable. The visits are open to the 600-plus u3a membership. Outings for another seven months of the year are devoted to NT properties closer to home. Group members pair up to identify and research these visits to local properties on a rota basis and transport is through car-share or public transport if feasible.

Convenor is Pat O and Jackie W
This group classified under: Out and About

Four coach outings a year are organised to National Trust properties where distance makes private driving ‘to and fro’ in a single day uncomfortable. The visits are open to the 600-plus u3a membership. Outings for another seven months of the year are devoted to NT properties closer to home.

This page last updated: 29/03/2024