Modern Ethics

tag cloud of words related to ethics

We meet monthly, on the last Thursday afternoon
Member's Home

Every group member is required to prepare an introductory paper on a dilemma or topical question which our society is facing. This requires looking at the history and philosophy pertaining to the subject. It also means that the person presenting needs to find about five questions to ensure a focus in the discussion. These can become deep explorations into today’s problems. The value of this group is the trust that develops between members as there are a number of differing religious and political beliefs. Respect and the capacity to listen to alternative views is great for understanding. While the presentation might appear daunting, it has become readily accepted.

Convenor(s): Joan S
This group classified under: Discussions
Please contact convenor to join group

Every group member is required to prepare an introductory paper on a dilemma or topical question which our society is facing. This requires looking at the history and philosophy pertaining to the subject. It also means that the person presenting needs to find about five questions to ensure a focus in the discussion. These can become deep explorations into today’s problems. The value of this group is the trust that develops between members as there are a number of differing religious and political beliefs. Respect and the capacity to listen to alternative views is great for understanding. While the presentation might appear daunting, it has become readily accepted.

This page last updated: 09/02/2025