Interest Group Summaries

The main activity of our U3A occurs in small study or social groups. The subjects and frequency are determined by group members although many are monthly, some are fortnightly or weekly.

Showing all 89 Interest Groups.
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Badminton     (Physical Activities)
Philip R and Anne F
weekly, every Thursday
Windsor Leisure Centre

Ballet Programmes

Ballet Appreciation     (Arts and Crafts)
David O
monthly, on the 1st Monday
Member's Home

Boys’ Toys     (Out and About, Science & Technology)
John W
occasionally, on an irregular day of week
As arranged each trip

A hand of cards

Bridge (Guided)     (Games)
Carol C
weekly, every Tuesday
Member's Home

Bridge (Improvers)     (Games)
John W
twice monthly, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday
Member's Home

Bridge Improvers 2     (Games)
John W
twice monthly, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday
Member's Home

CAMEO – Central Windsor     (Wellbeing)
Linda S
monthly, on the 1st Tuesday
The Cinnamon Café, Windsor Central Station

CAMEO – Datchet     (Wellbeing)
Jackie W
monthly, on the 3rd Wednesday
Bridge Cafe, Datchet

CAMEO – Old Windsor     (Wellbeing)
Joanna W
monthly, on the 1st Wednesday
Bells of Ouzeley, Old Windsor

CAMEO – Sunningdale     (Wellbeing)
Olwen B
monthly, on the last Tuesday
Hilliers Garden Centre Cafe

CAMEO – West Windsor     (Wellbeing)
Jackie W
monthly, on the 4th Wednesday
Vine and Fig Café, All Saints’ Church, Dedworth

Chess     (Games)
David O
weekly, every Monday
Bridge Cafe, Datchet

A rose stem on sheet music

Classical Music     (Music)
David O
monthly, on the 4th Thursday
Member's Home

Crafts 1     (Arts and Crafts)
Jane S
monthly, on the 3rd Tuesday
Member's Home

Fountain pen writing on lined paper

Creative Writing For Fun     (Literature and Writing)
Ann V
monthly, on the 3rd Thursday
The Vansittart Arms, Windsor

Front page of The Times newspaper

Current Affairs 1     (Discussions)
Andrew M
monthly, on the 3rd Thursday
Member's Home

Newspaper front page

Current Affairs 2     (Discussions)
Pat O
monthly, on the 3rd Friday
Member's Home

Newspaper front page

Current Affairs 3     (Discussions)
Joy S
monthly, on the 3rd Friday

Front page of The Times newspaper

Current Affairs 4     (Discussions)
Lucy G
monthly, on the 3rd Tuesday

Cycling     (Out and About, Physical Activities)
Ruth D
monthly, on the 3rd Wednesday

PROMS brochure

Event Cinema     (Music)
Sue W
occasionally, on an irregular day of week
Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, Maidenhead

View of Westminster Bridge at sunset

Explore London 1     (Out and About)
Maureen R
occasionally, on an irregular day of week
As arranged each trip

looking up at elizabeth tower (containing Big Ben) in London

Explore London 2     (Out and About)
Maggie R and Shelagh I
occasionally, on an irregular day of week
As arranged each trip

Collection of photos, letters and newspaper clippings

Family History     (History)
Malcolm E
alternate months, on the 1st Tuesday Please also see text below.
Member's Home (Rotation)

Flower Arranging     (Arts and Crafts)
Mo S
monthly, on the 4th Thursday Group runs from September to June only.
The Porch, All Saints Church, West Windsor

A French flag in the breeze

French 1A (Adv Conversation)     (Languages)
Pauline W
monthly, on the 3rd Thursday
Windsor area

A French flag in the breeze

French 1B (Adv Conversation)     (Languages)
Pauline W
monthly, on the 1st Thursday
All Bar One, Windsor

A French flag in the breeze

French 2 (Intermediate A)     (Languages)
Jeremy H
monthly, on the 1st Tuesday
Member's Home

A French flag in the breeze

French For Fun     (Languages)
Madeleine W and John T
twice monthly, on the 2nd Tuesday
Member's Home

A French flag in the breeze

French For Improvers     (Languages)
Annie I
monthly, on the 3rd Thursday
Member's Home

Gardening 2     (Out and About)
Anita R
monthly, on the 1st Wednesday

Geocaching 1 (Advanced)     (Out and About)
Adele McN
monthly, on the 2nd Monday

Geocaching 2 (Beginners)     (Out and About)
Adele McN
monthly, on the 3rd Monday

A german flag in a breeze

German 1 (Stammtisch)     (Languages)
Anita R
monthly, on the 2nd Monday
Member's Home

A german flag in a breeze

German 2 (Conversation)     (Languages)
Karin O and Pauline W
twice monthly, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday

Having Fun with Puzzles     (Discussions, Games)
Jane M
monthly, on the 2nd Monday

History     (Discussions, History)
Valerie G
monthly, on the 2nd Monday
Member's Home (Rotation)

History Of Design     (History)
Chris C
monthly, on the 1st Tuesday

Indoor Short Mat Bowls 1     (Games, Physical Activities)
Carol A
monthly, on the 1st Monday
New Windsor Community Centre, Hanover Way

vegetables on a green chopping board

International Cuisine     (Food and Drink)
Bali G
alternate months, on the 4th Thursday

Italian book

Italian (Advanced conversation)     (Languages)
Ornella M
monthly, on the 4th Friday
Member's Home

Italian book

Italian (Improvers conversation)     (Languages)
Ornella M
monthly, on the 2nd Friday
Public Venue

Italian book

Italian (Improvers)     (Languages)
Ornella M
monthly, on the 4th Friday
Member's Home

Saxophone held by player

Jazz at The Hope     (Music)
Pauline T
monthly, on the 2nd Friday
The Hope, Alma Road

Carrots on a green chopping board

Just Cook     (Food and Drink)
Simon H
monthly, on the 4th Monday

Latin     (Languages)
Pat McK
weekly, every Friday

Lawn Bowls     (Out and About, Physical Activities)
David T
weekly, every Friday Two 9-week spring/summer terms
Windsor area

2 books on Windsor's history

Local History     (History)
Jane S and Chris D
monthly, on the last Monday Except December
Windsor Methodist Church

A pair of Mah-Jong blocks

Mah-Jong     (Games)
Anne G
twice monthly, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday
The Swan in Clewer

Make Your Own Clothes     (Arts and Crafts)
Jan K
monthly, on the 1st Friday
Member's Home

tag cloud of words related to ethics

Modern Ethics     (Discussions)
Joan S
monthly, on the last Thursday
Member's Home

Monthly Meetings     (Wellbeing)
Carol C
monthly, on the 2nd Wednesday Admission to December's meeting is by ticket only
Gardeners Hall, St. Leonards Road, Windsor

MOTO 1 (Members On Their Own)     (Out and About, Wellbeing)
Janette P
monthly, on the 2nd Wednesday
Toby Carvery, Old Windsor

MOTO 2 (Members On Their Own)     (Out and About, Wellbeing)
Penny D and Sandra G
monthly, on the last Sunday

MOTO 3 (Members On Their Own)     (Out and About, Wellbeing)
Kate F
monthly, on the 2nd Sunday
Fifield Inn, Fifield village

Music Makers     (Music)
Peter C
twice monthly, on the 2nd and 4th Thursday

National Trust Outings     (Out and About)
Pat O and Jackie W
occasionally, on an irregular day of week
As arranged each trip

Online FaceBook – Windsor u3a In Touch     (Online (fully), Wellbeing)
Anne G
daily, every day of week
FaceBook (closed group)

Online WhatsApp – Windsor u3a Chat     (Online (fully), Wellbeing)
Joyce A
daily, every day of week
WhatsApp group

Photography     (Arts and Crafts, Out and About)
Debbie G and Dave H
monthly, on the 4th Monday Except Bank Holiday Mondays

Play Reading     (Literature and Writing)
Groups Coordinator
monthly, on the 3rd Wednesday
Windsor town centre area

Poetry Reading     (Literature and Writing)
Terry J
monthly, on the 1st Thursday

Politics Today     (Discussions)
Nina F
monthly, on the 2nd Thursday
The Hope, Alma Road

Quiz Email     (Games)
John W
monthly, on the 2nd Wednesday
Email distribution

Quiz Group     (Games)
John W
monthly, on the 4th Wednesday
New Windsor Community Centre, Hanover Way

Reading Group 1     (Literature and Writing)
Penny S
monthly, on the 4th Tuesday

Reading Group 2     (Literature and Writing)
Joan S
monthly, on the 4th Wednesday
Member's Home

Reading Group 4     (Literature and Writing)
Marilyn O'F
monthly, on the 4th Monday

Stack of books

Reading Group 5     (Literature and Writing)
Shelagh I and Marion M
monthly, on the 3rd Thursday
Dedworth Library

Rummikub 1     (Games)
Julie B
monthly, on the 4th Wednesday
Sky Lounge Castleview

Rummikub 2     (Games)
Winifred S
monthly, on the 1st Wednesday
Member's Home

Scrabble     (Games)
Malcolm M
monthly, on the 3rd Tuesday
Rose Bar, rear of Gardeners Hall

Shorter Walks     (Out and About, Physical Activities)
Pat O
monthly, on the 4th Wednesday

A rose stem on sheet music

Show Music     (Music)
David O
monthly, on the 3rd Monday
Member's Home

Windsor u3a Ukulele and Singing with Ukes groups perform for Welsh Society

Sing with Ukes     (Music)
Adele McN
monthly, on the 3rd Tuesday
Gardeners Hall, St. Leonards Road, Windsor

Dynamic microphone on stand

Singing For Fun     (Music)
Adele McN
monthly, on the 2nd Tuesday
Gardeners Hall, St. Leonards Road, Windsor

Spanish flag in wind

Spanish Conversation     (Languages)
Jenny F
monthly, on the 3rd Monday

Spanish flag in wind

Spanish for Fun     (Languages)
Roger E
alternate weeks, on Monday
Member's Home

Stargazers     (Science & Technology)
Martyn L
monthly, on the 3rd Monday
Gardeners Hall, St. Leonards Road, Windsor

Two bats and a ball on a table tennis table

Table Tennis 1     (Physical Activities)
Malcolm M
weekly, every Thursday
Windsor Leisure Centre

Tea and Jazz     (Music)
Peter C and Nina F
monthly, on the 4th Tuesday Except August and December
Datchet Village Hall

The 60’s and 70’s     (Discussions, History, Music)
Julie B
monthly, on the 3rd Thursday
Willows Riverside Park Social Club

u3a Amblers     (Out and About, Physical Activities)
Dave H
monthly, on the 1st Thursday

Ukulele     (Music)
Adele McN
weekly, every Tuesday
Gardeners Hall, St. Leonards Road, Windsor

Ukulele (Beginners)     (Music)
Clive B
weekly, every Tuesday
Rose Bar, rear of Gardeners Hall

Wardrobe Friends     (Arts and Crafts)
Bali G
alternate months, on the 4th Friday
Member's Home

Unframed floral watercolour painting

Watercolour Painting     (Arts and Crafts)
Anne F
monthly, on the 1st Thursday

Double Public Footpath signs

Windsor Area Walks     (Out and About, Physical Activities)
Roy B
monthly, on the 4th Friday

Wine Appreciation     (Food and Drink)
Pat O
monthly, on the 2nd Thursday
Member's Home