French For Improvers

A French flag in the breeze

We meet monthly, on the 3rd Thursday morning
Member's Home

This is a friendly and informal group of people aiming to improve our French together, both spoken and comprehension. We are working our way through the textbook Edexcel AS French. This level is between GCSE and A Level French, so is not suitable for beginners. But if you have completed GCSE or O level French, even some time ago, then our group may be what you are looking for.

Convenor(s): Annie I
This group classified under: Languages
Please contact convenor to join group

This is a friendly and informal group of people aiming to improve our French together, both spoken and comprehension. We are working our way through the textbook Edexcel AS French. This level is between GCSE and A Level French, so is not suitable for beginners. But if you have completed GCSE or O level French, even some time ago, then our group may be what you are looking for.

This page last updated: 09/02/2025