German 1 (Stammtisch)
Please contact convenor to join group
We meet monthly, on the 2nd Monday morning
Member's Home
Some fluency preferred. It is a very cohesive group and meetings are akin to an enjoyable dinner party, with no defined format. Currently 10 members, including 5 native Germans. There is a waiting list because it is difficult to find locations which seat everyone comfortably. That said, if you are interested, please get in touch.
Convenor(s): Anita R
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LanguagesPlease contact convenor to join group
Some fluency preferred. It is a very cohesive group and meetings are akin to an enjoyable dinner party, with no defined format. Currently 10 members, including 5 native Germans. There is a waiting list because it is difficult to find locations which seat everyone comfortably. That said, if you are interested, please get in touch.