CAMEO – Central Windsor
We meet monthly, on the 1st Tuesday morning
The Cinnamon Café, Windsor Central Station

CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) meetings, previously known as Local Coffee Mornings, are proving useful for sharing ideas for future outings and events. They also give opportunities to get to know new members or well-established members who, for various reasons, can only take part in u3a activities in a limited way. While Local Coffee Mornings are for the convenience of members who live in a particular locality, other members are welcome to attend. Feel free to drop in between the start and finish times, some members may stay-on for lunch.

If you arrive and find the ‘u3a table’ is fully occupied, PLEASE make yourself known before settling elsewhere on your own or in a splinter group. Depending on the venue, it may well be possible to enlarge the circle, or take over/join on another table. The purpose of holding Coffee Mornings is for members to widen their circle of friends and acquaintances, not to sit and drink coffee alone! It is not necessary to contact the convenor to book a seat, just turn up on the day.

Convenor(s): Linda S
This group classified under: Wellbeing
Open group, all members welcome

CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) meetings, previously known as Local Coffee Mornings, are proving useful for sharing ideas for future outings and events. They also give opportunities to get to know new members or well-established members who, for various reasons, can only take part in u3a activities in a limited way. While Local Coffee Mornings are for the convenience of members who live in a particular locality, other members are welcome to attend.

This page last updated: 07/07/2024