Interest Group Info

Windsor u3a has more than 90 interest groups: some are artistic, others are; musical, physical, practical, recreational, social, often a combination of these. They are individually described in other parts of the website, access via either the A-Z List of Groups or Interest Group Summaries page, or use the Search box. There’s also a link to a monthly timetable below. Most members find their groups are fun, informative and play a valuable role in contributing to their mental and/or physical well-being.

We keep a list of interest groups along with meeting times and the convenor’s name and telephone number, so all you have to do to join a group or obtain more information is to give the convenor a call or an e-mail. The list is provided to all new members and the latest information is available on this web site, which allows access to convenors contact details directly from the Group’s web page on this site, when the member is logged in.

TIMETABLE and Accessibility Info links visible here if you log in.

The interest groups are at the heart of the u3a concept and each has one or more (volunteer) convenors, but all groups are highly participative; each member is encouraged to contribute their own knowledge and expertise – or just help out when they see a job that needs doing.

Different groups meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on their members’ preferences. We encourage the formation of new groups, based on the suggestions of our members, or if one is ‘full’ and needs to split to provide adequate capacity. Help is available in the early stages for new groups.

Where meetings are held in members’ homes, a (typically) £1 contribution is expected where you attend someone’s house and are provided with refreshments.

You can belong to as many groups as you wish, with no change to your annual subscription rate. However, please note that many groups that meet in public venues, and/or book entertainment (e.g. Jazz musicians) may well charge admission on a per-meeting basis to cover their costs. The use of any excess accruing over the year is determined by the group members.

Groups that visit attractions may divvy up a season or ‘group’ admission price (if available), or you may be responsible for paying your own admission.