Convenor support

If you are considering becoming a convenor, or may already be one, firstly please accept a ‘thank you’ from the committee, you will be, or are, at the heart of how the u3a operates.

There are plenty of resources at your disposal, ranging from advice provided by our Groups’ Coordinator, Mo Salter, to Third Age Trust web site, plus web, e-mail or phone support from national U3A Subject Advisers.

If you think Windsor u3a is missing an interest group on a subject you and others would enjoy, do check the U3A Subject Advisers page, there are so many possibilities there. Some of the subject advisers offer a regular newsletter service to provide ongoing ideas and support, while others are receptive to e-mail queries. More below.

Third Age Trust resources

  • U3A Subject Advisers (covering over 70 different topics) I cannot recommend enough how useful this could be to a new convenor, whether starting a completely new topic, or just looking for ideas to reinvigorate an existing group’s activities.
  • See also: Sources online, a blog of inspiring articles from u3a around the country.
  • Workshops offered on a variety of areas of running a u3a (log in required)

New Members’ Meetings

These are held twice a year and convenors seeking to enlarge their group’s membership can speak to the assembled new* members to outline what’s on offer, when and where you meet, etc.
* Those who joined Windsor u3a within last 12 months or so.

Newsletter and monthly meetings

Convenors that run open groups, or visit places each month, can take advantage of publicity in the Newsletter (sent to all members) and/or speak at the opening of a monthly meeting if desired.

Convenors Conference

This is held annually, with lunch provided to the convenors as a thank you for their dedication over the year. The event has a guest speaker or workshop host, our own Peter Honey admirably fulfilling both roles in 2024 in a most entertaining way.

Below are some photos of the 2024 conference, held at Zest Hospitality college in Langley. The last photo in this series shows ‘retiring’ Groups Coordinator Sue White completing over 6 years of hard work supporting the formation new groups, updating the Timetable and Groups lists and organising this event.