A Song and Dance in December 2024

By | March 3, 2025

The significant difference we tried this year was to invite Linda Chanan to lead members in square dancing. For each new routine, Linda took us through the steps before playing the music through.

After the welcome from Vice Chair; Martin Pritchett, the afternoon started with a “Getting to know you” game, where members were required to ask around to identify people that fulfilled certain criteria – such as “who has a dog?” and “who was a convenor?” – and add their names in the relevant box. I think the idea worked for the most part.

The afternoon’s dance sessions, all shown together below, were actually split into 3 phases with the quiz and tea interspersed, I hope you’ll forgive me for the expediency of their amalgamation into one album here.

As you can see above, everyone on the floor had fun, there was just enough room. Our thanks to Linda Chanan for her expertise in guiding the willing participants through the steps.

It was heads down and thinking caps on for the quiz John Wiggins organised. When it came time to assess the results, a tie breakers was needed as several tables/teams had equal scores.

Adele then led a sing-song, which was as popular as ever, sung from the provided lyric sheets.

Click/tap on the pictures to see them bigger.

The committee would like to thank all the organisers and helpers on the day.

All photos and audio mixing by Dave Humphries from the stage, which I am sure saved many a member’s toes from being crushed!

Dave Humphries