Existing members should use the Renewal page instead of this one – thank you.
New members are always welcome at Windsor & District U3A, please read on below.
Our membership period runs from 1st January to 31st December and the annual membership fee per member is £15, reducing to £9 when joining from July onwards. You can pay your subscription fee using either a debit or credit card, or by PayPal. On joining you will receive a welcome email from us confirming all details entered by you and a receipt for your payment.
We prefer that two members living at the same address apply as ‘Joint’ members, as it allows one payment to be taken, reducing admin by our volunteers. However, please note that we cannot offer a ‘discount price’ for joint membership, the charge will be 2 x £15 = £30, or, if joining from July onwards; 2 x £9 = £18.
If you wish to join Windsor U3A, simply follow this link: Apply on-line for Membership which connects you to “Beacon”, the U3A membership database, to create a new membership and pay on-line.
Please note that group activities that incur costs will also levy a (usually) ‘per meeting’ charge to cover those costs. For the less formal groups meeting in member’s homes, we recommend a £1 donation to the hosting member if they provide refreshments when you attend. All groups operate under their own arrangements, just check with the convenor if unsure.
1) Please type normally in to the boxes, not all UPPER CASE – and please use lower case only for your e-mail address – thanks
2) Please do not upload a photo
If you are wary of online transactions, please review this Joining Guide with screen shots of what to expect and how fill in the forms and pay by card.
Joining is also possible by meeting us (typically at a Monthly Meeting), completing the application form and pay via debit/credit card or handing a completed cheque to a committee member.
If you have been sent a paper application form to fill in, that will also advise how to return it and your cheque, or it can be posted to:
Membership Secretary, Windsor & District u3a,
Box 165, 24 – 28 St Leonards Road, Windsor, SL4 3BB
Here is our membership Privacy Policy.