Our lead photo shows Windsor u3a members listening to Colin Brown for the RNLI, at October’s Monthly Meeting.
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- If you are not yet a Windsor u3a member, please do join us – the more the merrier!
Join us for our Christmas Party
Book tickets to our Christmas Party: This is your last chance to book a place and join us our Christmas Party on 20th December at The Christopher Wren Hotel.
This is a chance to dress up, wine and dine and dance the night away. Most of us do not have many opportunities to do that nowadays! Tickets have almost sold out. So be quick!
Contact Chris Dufty
Monthly Speaker Meetings
Gardeners Hall, 213 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3DR
on 2nd Wednesday of each month, 2-00pm to 4-00pm.
- Wednesday, 8th November: This month’s speaker will particularly appeal to the poets, creative writers and other literary folk who enjoy or loathe the use of figurative language.
“Metaphors, Cliches and Phrases – avoid them like the plague!” – the origin of sayings in the English Language is the subject of our Monthly Meeting Speaker, Warren Ashton. - Wednesday, 13th December: Our Christmas Party in Gardeners’ Hall, from 2 – 4 pm.
– Carol Singing and Musical Entertainment
– Seasonal Quiz
– Party Tea
Invitations will be sent by e-mail, you should reply to that to book a ‘ticket’.
Payment by card or cash on the day. - Wednesday, 10th January 2024: Poetry reading by Jean Hills
U3A Holiday 2024 – Versailles, Valencay & Chateaux of the Loire
Hurry! Only a few places are still available on this holiday in France, in the Loire Valley visiting several well-known chateaux. Pat knows France well and diligently researches the places she leads us to. She has a loyal following of ‘u3a tourists’ who have visited other areas of France with her and enjoyed sharing her findings. They are always looking forward to her next itinerary. Come and join them and enjoy some French food and wine, too.
Saturday 27th April 2024 – 6 nights/7 days
£1290-00 pp sharing a twin/double room. Single Supplement £450-00pp
Draft Itinerary
Day 1: Coach from Windsor to Dover, Channel crossing to Calais and continue to overnight hotel close to Versailles. Dinner included.
Day 2: Visit Versailles Palace and Gardens (https://www.chateauversailles.fr) /Continue to Hotel Hilton Garden Inn, Tours Centre. (https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/tufgigi-hilton-garden-inn-tours-centre)
This modern hotel is close to the river and near the centre of Tours.
Day 3: Drive to Amboise, Visit Chateau de Clos Luce https://vinci-closluce.com/en/, the home of Leonardo de Vinci, cathedral and Chateau Gaillard
Day 4: At leisure in Tours – lots to see – cathedral, gardens and medieval centre.
Day 5: Visit Chateau de Valencay https://www.chateau-valencay.fr/, the home of Talleyrand – French Foreign Minister during reign of Napoleon. Wine tasting en route.
Day 6: Visit Chateau Cheverny (https://www.chateau-cheverny.fr/en/) and Chateau Chaumont https://domaine-chaumont.fr/en/chateau-historic-grounds-and-stables
Day 7: Early start for return coach journey for 18.30 return from Calais.
Included: Coach and driver, ferry or Eurotunnel fares, One-night full board near Versailles, Five nights bed and breakfast in Tours, two dinners at hotel, entry to Chateaux.
Based on 32 passengers.
New Members who have joined Windsor u3a during October
Please make them welcome when they come to your groups.
Names visible to logged in members.
Interest Group News
National Trust Group
On 6th October the group held its first planning meeting and a provisional calendar of visits was drawn up with different members taking responsibility for the organisation of each visit. In March another planning meeting will be held to assess any issues that might have arisen.
- October 2023: Hughenden, High Wycombe
- November 2023: Coach trip to Waddesden Manor
- January 2024: The Vyne, near Basingstoke
- February 2024: Cliveden – Talk by their Gardener
- March 2024: Greys Court, Henley
- April 2024:
- May 2024:
- June 2024: Mottisfont, coach trip
- July 2024:
- August 2024:
- September 2024: Polesden Lacey & Denbies Wine, coach trip
- September 2024: 9th – 13th, NT holiday in York
Offers to organise visits for the remainder of 2024 are needed.
Logged in members can see contact details.
Local History
- 27th November: Our borough’s town crier, Chris Brown, will regale us with the history of his role the purpose of which is to bring happiness to the people of Windsor and Maidenhead. What a great theme for our pre-Christmas meeting. Oyez!
This group meets in Windsor Methodist Church Hall in Alma Road, Windsor, SL4 3HH. Talks begin at 2-30pm. Admission is £3.00 on the door. No need to book. New members are warmly welcome.
Jane Standley
The Ballet Appreciation Group will meet as usual at 2-00 pm on Monday, 6th November when The Prince of the Pagodas, starring Darcy Bussell, will be shown. Unfortunately, both the Show Music and Classical Music sessions for November cannot take place, but they will do so in December.
Contact details are visible if you log-in.
Tea and Jazz
Live jazz is booked for 28th November – we once again have the Gambit Jazzmen. They were much enjoyed by our audience in April. Gambit Jazzmen are one of the foremost traditional jazz bands who play regularly in jazz clubs and festivals all over the country. Band members have previously played in top bands including those led by Monty Sunshine, Ken Colyer and Dick Charlesworth.
All u3a members – from any u3a branch – are welcome. There is no need to book – just turn up on the day. There is a fee of just £7.00 cash to pay towards the cost of the band, hall hire and refreshments.
All performances start at 2-00pm, with a break halfway for tea and cakes and finish at about 3-45pm.
There is a car park outside the hall and when this is full, there’s a public car park a short distance back towards Datchet village centre.
Please note there will be no Tea and Jazz in December.
We would like to thank members for their kind support of Tea and Jazz during 2023 and we plan to continue to provide live jazz most months with some new bands and singers in 2024.
u3a Amblers
The morning amble on Thursday, 2nd November is to be around Windsor town.
Convenor contact details are visible if you log-in.
The amble in early October was around Eton, which has a varied mixture of architecture and street furniture spanning centuries, the college no doubt being responsible for much of this and how much is preserved.
Thanks to Eileen Harris and Dave Humphries for sharing their pictures.
Windsor Area Walks
The November walk on Friday, 24th will be based on Boveney Brook and the Jubilee River. There is a possible coffee stop at the Palmers Arms in Dorney. It will be led by Roy. Meet at 10-15am in the free car park at Eton Wick Library, SL4 6LT. Approx. 4.5 miles.
Logged in members can see contact details.
Please let Roy know if you would be happy to organise one or two walks a year.
Caveat Emptor 2
As a follow up to the ‘Caveat Emptor’ an article in the September 2023 newsletter, Dave Humphries, our Web Master and Secretary directs us to an article in the online version of ‘Which’ the consumer advice magazine.
This gives examples of more ways in which Section 75 of the Consumer Protection Act may not apply to any given purchase and how to avoid these.
This article also gives guidance on how to claim a refund. It really is worth a read.
Thank you, Dave.
Jackie Wiggins
Recycle Update
Many items that cannot be recycled via local authority collections, can be recycled via specialist collection points, see list below, expanded and updated this month.
Specialist Collection Points
The customer service desk in Waitrose and in Robert Dyas shops, also at Tesco* in Dedworth.
Water filters:
Brita at Robert Dyas shops, or any brand at Tesco* in Dedworth.
Medicine blister packs:
At Superdrug shops, the bin is usually near the pharmacy.
Energy Saving Light bulbs:
Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs can be recycled at Tesco* in Dedworth.
Printer cartridges:
At Rymans. If you buy another cartridge, you get a 50p reduction for each recycled item.
Can also be deposited at Tesco* in Dedworth.
Old computers and computer hardware:
Windsor Computer Tech. 07807 100646. Data will be wiped and if possible the hardware will be refurbished and distributed to the digitally excluded or recycled.
* The recycling bins in Tesco Dedworth are located at the far end of the wall of windows across the front of the store. As you enter the building, turn right and proceed between the tills and windows toward the photo booth.
Thank you, Anne Montminy for starting the list of specialist centres, to which Dave Humphries and I have added. If any of you know of other LOCAL collection points, please share them with us. Jackie Wiggins
CAMEO Coffee Mornings
Come And Meet Each Other
Coffee mornings run from 10-30am to 12-00pm, why not drop in between those times?
If you arrive and find the ‘u3a table’ is fully occupied, PLEASE make yourself known before settling elsewhere on your own or in a splinter group. Depending on the venue, it may well be possible to enlarge the circle, or take over/join on another table.
Old Windsor
The Bells of Ouzeley, Straight Road, Old Windsor, SL4 2SH
These are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month, organised by Jo Wattis.
Next on 1st November 2023, then 6th December, but not 3rd January.
West Windsor
The Running Man Café, All Saints’ Church, Dedworth, SL4 4JW
These are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, organised by Jackie Wiggins.
Next on 15th November 2023.
The Restaurant, Hilliers Garden Centre, off A30 between Sunningdale and Bagshot, GU20 6LQ
These are held on the last Tuesday of each month, organised by Olwen.
Next on Tuesday, 28th November 2023.
The Bridge Café, The Village Green, Datchet, SL3 9JH
These are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month, organised by Jackie Wiggins.
Next on Datchet meeting on 22nd November 2023.
Windsor and District u3a Diary Dates
- Tuesday, 28th November: Live Jazz – Gambit Jazzmen
- Wednesday, 29th November: Coach outing to NT ‘Waddesdon Manor at Christmas’
(FULL: Waiting list places only available) - Saturday, 9th December: Visit to The Mill Theatre-Restaurant at Sonning. ‘High Society’
- Wednesday, 13th December 2023: Windsor and District u3a Christmas Party at Gardeners’ Hall 2-00pm to 4-00pm. Please save the date. More details available soon.
- Wednesday, 20th December 2023: Dinner-Dance at The Christopher Wren Hotel
Last chance to buy tickets – Hurry! - Friday, 9th February to Sunday, 11th February 2024: Birmingham Tattoo and weekend in the Midlands
(FULL: Waiting list places only available)
Credits and Contributions
Thank you to all who have contributed to this month’s newsletter.
We welcome contributions from any member, not just convenors, so if you have enjoyed a u3a organised event, why not share that (and show appreciation to the organisers) by writing a short report, ideally with some photos, please send to newsletters@windoru3a.org.uk
The copy date for our next Newsletter is 18th November 2023
Readers may notify an error or omission via e-mail or logged in members can use the Comments area below to convey their thoughts on this particular edition.
This Newsletter was compiled by Jackie Wiggins, then adapted for web publication by Dave Humphries. This web version allows us to hide certain data from all but logged in members, plus occasionally make minor updates after release, typically to correct errors and omissions notified promptly.
Committee Contact Details
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Committee Members’ Contact Details | ||
Chairman: | Peter Todd | chairman@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Secretary: | Dave Humphries | secretary@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Treasurer: | David Treder | treasurer@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Data Administrator: | Derek Gadd | dataadmin@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Groups’ Coordinator: | Sue White | u3agroups@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Website Administrator: | Dave Humphries | webeditor@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Membership Secretary: | Kate Fagence | membership@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Newsletter Editor: | Jackie Wiggins | newsletters@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Speaker Organiser: | Joanna Wattis | speakers@windsoru3a.org.uk |