Our lead photo shows members enjoying singing, led by Adele McNally.
You can click or tap on the yellow “learn, laugh, live” in the section dividers to quickly return to the top of the page.
You are not logged in, for membership privacy, this limits personal contact details shown and some event information. Log in via this form, with your Username (Email log-ins usually fail repeatedly):
- If you are a Windsor u3a member that has not yet registered on THIS website, you may register and once your membership status has been confirmed, you will be granted access.
- If you are not yet a Windsor u3a member, please do join us – the more the merrier!
Happy New Year!
Our celebration on December 11th went well Everyone was having a great time dancing, singing and quizzing. The fizz and food went down well, too. My thanks go to all who helped set up the hall, served the drinks, organised and hosted the activities…and cleared up afterwards.
Martin Pritchett
Many, many thanks for a brilliant U3A Christmas Party.
Simple pleasures, great fun, good company and good food……. and I tried singing and enjoyed it!
Well done, everyone and thank you.
John & Trish Holdstock
For more photos, please follow this link.
Around The Groups
The Flower Arranging Group made festive, rustic Christmas wreaths in a workshop led by Mary Sibley.
The Geocachers celebrated with cakes, coffee and mulled wine, while ‘learning the language’.
What do these abbreviations mean?
BOP, ICT, MTT, DNT, FTF, TFTC, TYAAK? Answers here.
The Photography Group celebrated the festive season with SPARKS!! under the direction of Dave Humphries. Members had fun taking photographs to capture the effects of fiery, sparking lights made in a variety of ways. More photos can be seen here.
Committee News
Communications: What’s New?
In 2025, newsletters will be published on a quarterly basis; in January, April, July and October.
Convenors and other contributors are invited and encouraged to send reports and summaries – photographic and text – of their Interest Group’s activities to the newsletter editor, as they do now. The quarterly newsletters will also carry dates of events planned for the coming 3 months.
In addition, convenors are requested to send details of forthcoming events for the following quarter to Mo Salter, Groups’ Coordinator, u3agroups@windsoru3a.org.uk. Mo will advertise these events in PowerPoint slides at Monthly Speaker Meetings. Mo will also inform Dave Humphries, our web master, who will advertise forthcoming events on our web site and keep Interest Group pages on the web site up to date. This will ensure that potential new members will read up to date information when browsing the Windsor and District u3a web site and existing members may become aware of opportunities to develop new interests.
Currently, each Interest Group has its own preferred channel of communication among its members, for example WhatsApp groups, newsletters, group email, telephone calls. These will remain the same. Open groups and events, such as Coffee Mornings, Tea and Jazz concerts, Quiz sessions etc will continue to be advertised in regular ‘Reminder’ emails. Single subject emails will inform members of specific topics or initiatives. These will be kept to a minimum.
Over the next few months, your committee will be considering the role of the Windsor and District u3a Facebook and the ‘whole u3a’ WhatsApp chat. Both were developed in response to the Covid pandemic, served a useful purpose and were very successful. We now need to reassess and determine current needs. If you have constructive ideas to share, please send them to newsletters@windsoru3a.org.uk
Outings to Welcome Spring
- Sunday, 23rd February: An afternoon visit by coach to Welford Park, near Newbury to walk amongst the snowdrops. Leaving at 12-30pm from Stag Meadow. £25.00 per head to include coach fare, entrance fee and a cup of tea. Booking opens on January 6th (and not before, please). Pay by bank transfer AFTER your booking has been confirmed.
- Monday, 31st March: A March Mystery Tour with our Blue Badge Guide.
The coach will leave from Stag Meadow at 9-00am and return at approximately 5-30pm. This is a ‘keep the date’ for your diary, at the moment. Cost and further information will be available soon.
Contact Jackie Wiggins by email newsletters@windsoru3a.org.uk
Expressions of Interest to Assess Viability
- Please indicate your interest in a short break in late November/early December 2025 to the Thursford Spectacular, including a day in Norwich and visiting Audley End (Eng.Her.) and Saffron Walden en route. The cost is likely to be in the region of £400 pp.
- Please indicate your interest in an 8 day, 2 centre holiday in July/August 2026 to Northumbria to include visits to Lindisfarne, Alnwick, Cragside, possibly Newcastle and Durham, as well as the Kynren spectacular in Bishop Auckland. The cost is likely to be in the region of £1500 pp.
Contact Jackie Wiggins by email newsletters@windsoru3a.org.uk
Subscription Renewal
Annual membership for Windsor and District u3a is due for renewal on 1st January 2025. The amount is now £15.00 per person. All members will have been sent an e-mail with full details.
Subscriptions may be paid by any of the following methods:
- Online – Payment is processed by PayPal, BUT you do not need an account with them and can simply pay with your credit or debit card.
Please review the updated today (01/01/2025) online renewal guide (p8 version), for guidance on how to do so without creating PayPal account.
You will receive an e-mail receipt and your membership will automatically be renewed in our database and be confirmed by email. This is by far the most efficient method and saves the committee much time and effort, especially compared to cheques. - Bank transfer – our bank details are:
Lloyds Bank
Account name: Windsor and District U3A
Sort Code: 30-99-72
Account Number: 01031772
Reference: Your u3a MEMBERSHIP NUMBER(s) - Debit/Credit card – at our January or February Monthly Meetings (8th and 12th resp.)
- Cheque – made payable to Windsor & District U3A, can be handed in at the monthly meeting, or sent to the Membership Secretary, Windsor & District u3a, Box 165, 24 – 28 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3BB.
PLEASE, please:
• use black ink.
• write your membership number on the back of your cheque.
• if paying by single cheque for two joint members, write both membership numbers on the back of the cheque.
• double check you have completed your cheque correctly and that it is written clearly.
• If you make a mistake, or have ‘pen-trouble’, please tear the cheque up and start again. Amended cheques are usually returned.
Last year, it took many hours to chase up several cheques that were either; without a date, or in faint/illegible handwriting (e.g. blue ink), with incorrect or no payee, or no signature.

Monthly Speaker Meetings
Gardeners Hall, 213 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, SL4 3DR
on 2nd Wednesday of each month, 2-00pm to 4-00pm.
Wednesday, 8th January: Timothy Walker, Oxford Botanical Gardens
Timothy Walker is a renowned British botanist and horticultural lecturer. He has served as the Horti Praefectus (Director) of the University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Harcourt Arboretum. He has worked in various prestigious gardens including the Savill Garden, and Kew Gardens. He has won four gold medals at the Chelsea Flower Show in London and has presented a series of television programmes on BBC Four titled “Botany – A Blooming History”.
Wednesday, 12th February: Jean Hill, Poetry Reading. Jean will make a welcome return visit to share her thoughts and feeling in poems. She lives in Wokingham and has published several volumes of her poetry.
Wednesday, 12th March: Jennifer Cowling, an ‘Extend Fitness’ teacher will give a talk entitled; “Extend Your Fitness; Balance and Brain”.
Coffee Mornings
Come And Meet Each Other
Coffee mornings run from 10-30am to 12-00pm, why not drop in between those times?
All members are welcome to attend any and all of coffee mornings.
Central Windsor
Cinnamon Café in Windsor Central Station
These are held on the first Tuesday of each month, organised by Linda Saunders.
Meetings this quarter on Tuesday’s: 7th January, 4th February and 4th March.
Logged in members can see Linda’s e-mail address and number.
Old Windsor
The Bells of Ouzeley, Straight Road, Old Windsor, SL4 2SH
These are held on the first Wednesday of each month, organised by Jo Wattis.
Meetings this quarter on Wednesday’s: 5th February and 5th March.
Logged in members can see Jo’s e-mail address and number.
West Windsor
The Running Man Café, All Saints’ Church, Dedworth.
These are held on the third Wednesday of each month, in the newly refurbished café, hosted by Jackie Wiggins and Angela West.
Meetings this quarter on Wednesday, 15th January, 19th February and 19th March.
Logged in members can see Jackie’s e-mail address.
The Restaurant, Hilliers Garden Centre, off A30 between Sunningdale and Bagshot, GU20 6LQ
These are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, organised by Ollie.
Meetings this quarter on Tuesday’s: 28th January, 25th February and 25th March.
Logged in members can see Ollie’s e-mail address.
The Bridge Ecumenical Café, The Village Green, Datchet, SL3 9JH
These are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, hosted by Jackie Wiggins and other lovely people in Datchet.
Meetings this quarter on Wednesday’s: 22nd January, 26th February and 26th March.
Logged in members can see Jackie’s e-mail address.
These coffee mornings are for all members, not just new members, but new members are welcome.
Although in specific neighbourhoods, all members are welcome to attend any and all of the coffee mornings.
They are a good way to meet members who are not in the same Interest Groups as you.
If you arrive and find the ‘u3a table’ is fully occupied, PLEASE make yourself known before settling elsewhere on your own or in a splinter group. Depending on the venue, it may well be possible to enlarge the circle, or take over/join on another table.
Interest Group News
The Chess Group meets every Monday at 10-30am (apart from Bank Holidays) at The Bridge Cafe in Datchet. Please contact David Oldcorn if you would like to know more
Contact details are visible if you log-in.
Explore London 2
Our final get together in 2024 was for Christmas Lunch at Côte, a lovely end to the year. During the year we went on a total of 14 trips, with almost 300 members taking part. Our outline plan for 2025 includes some museums, some historic places, walks in parks, and all with the idea of having a bit of fun on each journey. These include The Wallace Collection, Middle Temple Hall, The Templars Church and Two Temple Place. We plan walks around Chelsea during the flower show, Brompton Cemetery, Greenwich Park and Battersea Park and to visit the British Library, The Brands Museum and the Charles Dickens Museum. Plus, being organised by David, not one, but two trips to the Old Bailey.
Hopefully, there will be something of interest for you and as usual we will try to alternate between guided tours, free trips, using the Windsor train or Elizabeth Line and where possible, the 702 bus. As always, if anyone has any ideas and/or are willing to lead a walk, do let us know ! It just remains to wish you all a Healthy and Peaceful New Year and to thank you for making it such an easy and enjoyable Group to organise.
Maggie Reeve and Shiela Irish
Flower Arranging
In January, we will meet on Thursday, 23rd at the earlier time of 12-30pm in the Café Studio at All Saints’ Church, Dedworth. The theme for our arrangements in January is ‘Frost’ Please contact Mo Salter, if you like to join us and for information about our future themes and activities.
Please contact Mo Salter with any questions.
Logged in members can see contact details.
French For Fun
In 2025, we will continue to meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month in member’s houses. We gather at 10-45am with the meeting starting at 11am.
Madeleine Waterman
We celebrated Xmas by combining our groups (Advanced & Beginners} to get to know each other. We had a tasty buffet with cakes, nibbles and mulled wine. Adele (2000+finds) and Kate (5000+) took the opportunity to have a quiz and teach what some common caching abbreviations mean. Kate also gave detailed instructions about how to solve a ? cache. A ? series called ‘Pirate Hunt’ is centred on Binfield and the Advanced group intend to find these on our next outing when we have solved all the puzzles! 2025 sees us hoping to increase our total from our present 788 to 1,000.
What do these abbreviations mean?
BOP, ICT, MTT, DNT, FTF, TFTC, TYAAK? Answers here.
Adele McNally
Local History
We had a most enjoyable end to the year with an excellent talk on the history of Christmas by Siobhan Clarke, who works for Historic Royal Palaces. The mince pies and other Christmas goodies went down very well too. We invited donations on the day for the Windsor Homeless Project and made an amazing £200.00. Warm thanks to everyone for their generosity.
Our first talk of the New Year on Monday, 27th January has a different tone and more than a whiff of scandal. Popular speaker, Nigel Smales, will be back to tell us about the Profumo Affair and its local connection with Cliveden.
On 24th February, we will be exploring a local landmark and its environs. I have walked over it and even geocached on it, but know nothing about it. All will be remedied, however, when Josh Lovell tells us about the history of Datchet Bridge and Home Park.
Talks normally last around 45 minutes and we enjoy chatting over light refreshments at the end. We meet at the Methodist Church Hall, Alma Road, Windsor. No booking is needed. Entry costs £3.00 at the door to cover costs.
Jane Standley
Music Appreciation
Ballet Appreciation, Show Music and Classical Music These sessions will be on the first and third Mondays and fourth Thursday, respectively. The ballet in January will be La Bayadere (the Temple Dancer) starring Vladimir Shklyarov who sadly died (or was perhaps assassinated for disagreeing with the war against Ukraine) recently. A full length musical and an interesting classical concert will also be shown for their respective groups.
David Oldcorn
Contact details are visible if you log-in.
National Trust Outings
We had a very active year in 2024 and there are many plans being made for outings in 2025. Thank you to all who have led an outing in 2024 and thank you to those who are in the process of organising outings for us in 2025.
In January, we are planning to have a stroll round the grounds of Cliveden and to meet up for morning coffee. In February we will ramble to Ankerwyck, in search of snowdrops and meet up in Wraysbury for some refreshments. Later in the year, we will venture further afield. There are plans in the making for a short break in Warwickshire and some days out by coach, too.
Jackie Wiggins and Pat Oldcorn
Tea and Jazz

On 28th January, we will welcome back the Dixieland Swing Kings who were very popular with members when they played for us in July.

For 25th February, we have already booked Paula Jackman’s Jazz Masters, another top band much enjoyed by members last year.
All u3a members – from any u3a branch – are welcome. There is no need to book – just turn up on the day. There is a fee of just £10.00 cash to pay towards the cost of the band, hall hire and refreshments.
Performances start at 2-00pm, with a break halfway for tea and cakes and finish at about 3-45pm. There is some parking outside Datchet Village Hall, SL3 9HR, and when this is full, there is a public car park a short distance back towards Datchet village centre that is also available.
Peter Cheeseman
Convenor contact details are visible if you log-in.
We celebrated Xmas with the ‘Sing with Ukes’ group by singing Xmas songs and having a buffet afterwards so that we could chat to each other. We are usually too busy singing to do this! Members brought contributions for the buffet which were delicious and varied. By that time in the month, we were pleased not to see too many mince pies and sausage rolls! Some ‘fizz’ to wash it down finished off a very happy occasion! We resume our meetings on 7th January.
Adele McNally
u3a Amblers
You can read about our walk round Ascot Racecourse in December.
Our ambles are usually about 4km or 2.5 miles in 1.5 hours, on Thursday, 2nd January, we will amble around Windsor town centre, why not join us? Please contact me for the time and place to set off from.
Convenor contact details are visible if you log-in.
Windsor Area Walks
Friday, 24th January: The walk will be led by Maureen. Meet at 10-15am at the free car park at Eton Wick Library, SL4 6LT. Approx. 4.5 miles.
Friday, 28th February: The walk will be led by Roy. Meet at 10-15am in the free car park in Upton Court Park, Upton Court Road. Park at the far end by the Scout Hut. The walk will take us towards the Jubilee River and Datchet golf course, over Victoria Bridge, and return via College playing fields. About 5 miles. We will have coffee in Eton High Street.
Friday, 28th March: Park at Dorney Court garden centre, SL4 6QP, where we can have a coffee or lunch after the walk, which will be along the Jubilee River towards Maidenhead, but cutting across farmland to Bray Lock and then back via the Thames Path. About 5 miles starting at 10-15am. The walk will be led by Roy.
Logged in members can see contact details.
Answers to Geocaching Quiz
BOP = Bottom of post/pole
ICT = Ivy covered tree
MTT = Multi trunk tree
DNT = Did not find
FTF = First to find
TFTC = Thanks for the cache
TYAAK = Thank you, Adele and Kate
HELP is needed
Kate Fagence is standing down as organiser of our ‘Tea Party Team’ who serve tea, coffee and biscuits at our Monthly Speaker Meetings. Thank you for your efficiency over the past few years, Kate.
In 2025, I will source the cups, tea, coffee and biscuits. I need someone to take the task of providing the milk each month. Because of other commitments before the meetings, it is impractical for me to do this.
We also need more volunteers to help serve on a rota basis.
Please let me know if you can help.
Jackie Wiggins: newsletters@windsoru3a.org.uk
U3A Online
Thames Valley Network Diary Dates
All events are on Zoom unless otherwise stated.
NB You must book a few days in advance of the date(s) shown below and often a small cost is involved.
View TVN home page and scroll down to list of events with TicketSource booking buttons.
Flyers with more information are available there too.
Thursday, 10th January 2025. The Walls Have Ears: A talk about espionage in WW2 by Dr Helen Fry via Zoom. Book by 7th January via TicketSource link here: https://u3atvnetwork.org.uk/
Flyer: https://u3atvnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Walls-have-Ears.pdf
Further events are always being planned, keep an eye on their diary via link above.
National u3a offerings
The national u3a runs many projects, initiatives and competitions – available for all members.
See their Latest News page for national events and opportunities.
Use their Podcasts Playlist (on YouTube) to listen to something interesting (with subtitles).
Interest Groups Online (IGOs)
Interest Groups Online (IGO) is an online community of learners. Those who subscribe to IGO can participate in our online interest groups and also access the u3a national learning.
IGO Help and Information
u3a Friends
Read the Newsletter in your browser.
u3a Friends Extra
A new range of benefits, offers and services exclusively for members of our u3a Friends community. The benefits include discounts for shopping, travel, insurance and more – and we hope really to add to your u3a experience.
Access the Friends Extra website here.
Credits and Contributions
Thank you to all who have contributed to this month’s newsletter.
We welcome contributions from any member, not just convenors, so if you have enjoyed a u3a organised event, why not share that (and show appreciation to the organisers) by writing a short report, ideally with some photos, please send to newsletters@windoru3a.org.uk
The copy date for the next quarterly Newsletter is 10th March 2025
Readers may notify an error or omission via e-mail or logged in members can use the Comments area below to convey their thoughts on this particular edition.
This Newsletter was compiled by Jackie Wiggins, then adapted for web publication by Dave Humphries. This web version allows us to hide certain data from all but logged in members, plus occasionally make minor updates after release, typically to correct errors and omissions notified promptly.
Committee Contact Details
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Phone numbers are not visible in table below because you are NOT currently logged in, if you recently logged in on another tab or browser window, please try refreshing this page now.
Or log in via form, with your Username (in preference to Email):
Committee Members’ Contact Details | ||
Chairman: | Peter Todd | chairman@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Vice Chair: | Martin Pritchett | vicechair@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Secretary: | Carol Crago | secretary@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Treasurer: | David Treder | treasurer@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Data Administrator: | Derek Gadd | dataadmin@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Groups’ Coordinator: | Mo Salter | u3agroups@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Website Administrator: | Dave Humphries | webeditor@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Membership Secretary: | Kate Fagence | membership@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Newsletter Editor: | Jackie Wiggins | newsletters@windsoru3a.org.uk |
Speaker Organiser: | Joanna Wattis | speakers@windsoru3a.org.uk |